Septembre 20, 2019

Asista Foundation Receives a laptop, a printer and a projector
(English only) ERA was delighted to donate a laptop, a printer and a projector to the Asista Foundation. This donation will go towards their operational team who are their front line workers in training these sophisticated service dogs in performing their duties. The laptop will be used for data entry and research while also being used by their triage unit. They receive approximately 35 applications a day and place approximately 30 dogs a year. If you would like to learn more about this amazing organization, please visit their website here. If you would like to donate your obsolete devices to help organizations like this one with the gift of technology, please click here.
August 6th 2018

Man denied service at Pierrefonds Tim Hortons because of service dog
A man in Pierrefonds had the police called on him outside a Tim Hortons because of his service dog. The incident took place on a July morning, when Craig Read was denied service. The restaurant refused to serve him, and a confrontation ensued. "I was asked to leave, and was told it's because of the dog," he said. "I said that it was a service dog, and they said they didn't care, and I had to leave." Eventually, police were called. They verified that his dog, Joey, was, in fact, a service dog. Still, the situation left Read frustrated. "It made me feel very anxious," he said. "Very mad, angry, anxious, embarassed." Read has had Joey since 2014, after he suffered a pulmonary embolism that nearly killed him. He was then diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. After the recent incident at Tim Hortons, Read reached out to a local Tim Hortons district manager. He wanted an in-person meeting, but was instead offered a gift card, which he refused. Read's case highlights the need for clearer laws on service dogs, said.a spokesperson for the ASISTA Foundation. "We've asked Quebec to be more specific," said John Agionicolaitis. "[The dogs] are not pets." In Canada, service dogs are allowed in public and private establishments, in areas with customers. In a statement to CTV, Tim Hortons said Read's treatment was unacceptable and that they have fired the employee responsible. Read hopes they and others can learn from this experience. "Not all service dogs are for blind people or for military people," he said. "Not all wounds are visible."
October 24th 2017

(French only) Nous commençons l’émission avec un défilé de lingerie féminine et masculine en compagnie de Craig Major. Lyne Ste-Marie donne ses conseils en matière de beauté pour mettre les yeux en valeur. Nous recevons la visite de Nathalie Chartrand, directrice générale de l’Association sportive des aveugles du Québec (ASAQ), accompagnée de son guide, David Bureau. Bob le Chef relève le défi de cuisiner sans voir. La Dre Christiane Laberge nous dit tout sur les cataractes. Yasmine Raphaël parle de la fondation Asista. Au club de lecture, nous parlons d’un livre audio.
September 21st 2017

Des familles d'enfants autistes bernées par un arnaqueur
(French only) Un arnaqueur a floué plusieurs enfants autistes et leur famille en vendant des chiens d’assistance dont certains étaient malades, agressifs ou inadaptés. L’entreprise Mille soutiens canin, de Greenfield Park, promettait pourtant un «dressage personnalisé» qui répondait aux besoins des enfants. Fanny Mercier et Martin Gagnon ont déboursé près de 10 000$ pour offrir un chien d’assistance à leur garçon Frédérick, jeune autiste non verbal. «On voulait lui donner un support émotionnel et psychologique. Peut-être que toute la famille aurait pu recommencer à dormir», explique la mère de famille. Or, lorsque Frédérick a reçu son chien, Kiba, rien ne s’est passé comme prévu. Asista donne son avis sur le sujet.
July 2nd 2017

Berney, le chien post-traumatisé de guerre
(French only) Une ancienne militaire, qui s'est fait diagnostiquer un syndrome de stress post-traumatique, rencontre un jeune Bouvier Bernois entraîné dans le but d'atténuer les symptômes liés à son traumatisme. Est-ce que Julie et Berney réussiront à créer un lien affectif assez fort pour en faire un parfait chien d'assistance?